Construction Products » Portable Cabins
Portable Cabins
There are many advantages to using portable cabins either on a permanent or a temporary basis. Whilst portable cabins will not be required at every stadium or sports venue, they are certainly worth considering.
Many people think of portable cabins only as portable toilets. Whilst some stadiums do hire cabins for this reason during a plumbing upgrade, they can be far more than that. Varying in height and size, portable cabins can be used as small offices, security check points or storage areas.
Many companies will let you hire portable cabins for one event at a time, or buy one outright for a few thousand pounds. For smaller venues with no changing facilities, a portable cabin could double up as a small changing room and somewhere to store possessions and valuables whilst a game is taking place.
For larger venues and stadiums, portable cabins could be useful for fixtures with large crowds. They could be used as a meeting point for volunteers or services, or a place to allow groups to meet. They can even be used as temporary accommodation with toilets and showers installed. A portable cabin can be expensive so ensure it will be put to good use before you buy.
Portable cabins are excellent for a company or group of people working on the stadium or venue either whilst it is being built or for general maintenance and are ideal in these situations.